A Scientific Initiative on/for Border Abolitionism


06 May - 09 May 2024


Routes and Solidarity: Theorising on Fieldwork Together

Istanbul, Türkiye

The ERC SOLROUTES ISTANBUL MEETING from May 6th to May 9th, 2024, focuses on Routes and Solidarity, with various workshops and discussions.

Day 1 includes an introduction and keynote speech on solidarity and resistance, followed by workshops exploring keywords related to route-making and digital infrastructures.

Day 2 features fieldwork in Istanbul, an exhibition of collaborative cultural objects produced during fieldwork, and discussions with local actors.

Day 3 involves discussions on critical criminology papers and preliminary outcomes from the 2nd round of research nodes in Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, and Belgium.

The event aims to theorise and share insights on fieldwork experiences and theoretical concepts related to migration routes and solidarity practices.

May 6, Monday

Solidarity and Resistance on the Move

May 7, Tuesday

Fieldwork & Expo of collaborative cultural objects

May 8, Wednesday

Outcomes of the 2nd round of nodes

Complete Program.pdf