A Scientific Initiative on/for Border Abolitionism

New Research Article Published in Mondi Migranti

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new research article titled “Ethnographic Notes on Religion, Magic, and Adventure” in the journal MONDI MIGRANTI. Authored by Ivan Bonnin and Luca Queirolo Palmas, this essay delves into the social dynamics of migratory adventures in Mauritania and Tunisia, as observed through ethnographic field diaries.

The article explores how the religious dimension, intertwined with magical elements, shapes the journey to Europe for Sub-Saharan migrants. This religious and magical infusion creates essential material infrastructures and favorable relational configurations. The roles of guides and correspondents are redefined, not merely as intermediaries but as active co-authors of the ethnographic narrative, highlighting the agency of local actors and providing a richer, more complex view of the reality investigated.

In Mauritania, the interaction with guides reveals a deep integration of the magical and religious in daily life along the migration route, significantly influencing the organization of movements. In Tunisia, the focus shifts to the complex relationship between migrants and the local society during Ramadan. The essay emphasizes the centrality of magical and religiously based social solidarity, which serves as a vital resource for migrants navigating and surviving the challenges of their journey. This work uncovers a complex interaction between faith, religious practice, and strategies for survival and autonomy.

This publication is a significant contribution to the understanding of the interplay between religion, magic, and migration, offering new insights into the lived experiences of migrants. Read the article here