A Scientific Initiative on/for Border Abolitionism

Nodes 23 / 24 / 25 - Caravan


October - December 2024

Countries: Greece
Nodes: Lesvos, Chios, Thessaloniki

Solidarity and Self-Care Among Migrant Women in Greece

This ethnographic caravan in Greece will take place in two locations. The first node is Lesvos, in collaboration with the NGO Europe Cares at the community center ‘Pa-rèa’ and the NGO ‘We Carry Together,’ which focuses on supporting mothers on the move. The second node will be Thessaloniki.

This research node will explore the construction and functioning of solidarity networks among Afghan and Iranian women migrants in Greece, focusing on the islands of Lesvos and Chios. Fieldwork will integrate ethnographic methods, interviews, and participatory activities, exploring formal and informal networks guiding migrants’ trajectories. The study emphasizes the nuanced role of solidarity in migration contexts, particularly among marginalized communities.

A central element of the research involves Generative Narrative Workshops (GNWs) co-led with a professional photographer. These workshops aim to explore themes of self-care and resilience through collective storytelling, photography, and practices like henna art, offering insights into the gendered dimensions of migration. The project also builds on The Illegal Cookbook, a prior initiative examining food and community-building among migrants, now focusing exclusively on women.

Key ethical considerations include minimizing epistemic violence and extractivism in heavily researched areas, fostering trust, and ensuring sensitive engagement with participants. Ultimately, the research seeks to highlight women’s strategies for maintaining dignity and fostering empowerment in challenging environments, reframing self-care as an act of political resistance and communal strength.


R. Ghaffari, E. Zampa (photographer)
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